
Our Service Unit is here to support the Girl Scout troops within the Worthington school district. Our monthly meetings give troop leaders and volunteers the chance to hear about opportunities for their Girl Scouts in and around Central Ohio.

We strive to bring volunteers together to share ideas, answer questions, encourage participation in activities, and educate on Girl Scout values and beliefs.

Our Service Unit Team

The service unit team is made up of volunteers and our member manager. Our volunteers are troop leaders who love helping other leaders and spreaing our love of Girl Scouts. We’re here to help you.

Member Manager: Regina Sanabria

Regina works for Girl Scout’s of Ohio’s Heartland. As our membership manager, Regina keeps us up to date on council news and answers any questions we have.

Service Unit Manager: Danielle DavisRoe

Danielle is a consultant by day and leads her daughter’s 2nd grade Brownie troop by night. She loves spending time outdoors and giving Girl Scouts unique experiences.

Cookie Coordinator: Jennie Hayes

Jennie leads her daughter’s troop of 4th grade Juniors She’s a Master Gardener and Metro Parks volunteer. She loves giving back to the community and wants to help you have a stress-free cookie season.

Fall Product Coordinator: Jane Witherspoon

Jane is a long time troop leader for her daughter’s troop. Jane loves playing bridge and all things Girl Scouts. She is a wealth of institutional knowledge.

Treasurer: Emily Meadows

Emily leads her daughter’s troop of 6th grade Cadettes. Emily teaches in Upper Arlington. She keep our service unit finances in tip top shape and is our biggest cheerleader.

Secretary: Stacy Brannan-Smith

Stacy is a troop leader for her daughter’s 1st grade Daisy Troop. She is a nonprofit communications director and uses those skills to take minutes at our service unit meetings.

Webmaster: Michelle Morrison

Michelle leads her daughter’s 1st grade Daisy troop. A marketing professional by day, Michelle updates our website after her twin toddlers go to bed at night.

Delegate: Mary Arthmire

Mary leads her older daughter’s troop of Cadettes. As Delegate, Mary represents our service unit at council meetings.

Delegate: Tabitha Culver

Tabitha frequently volunteers with her daughter’s troop of 4th grade Juniors. As Delegate, Tabitha represents our service unit at council meetings.

Want to join our team?

We are always looking for help at events if you have an hour or two to donate.

We’re also looking to fill the following roles on our team:

  • Adult Awards/Recognitions
  • Highest Awards
  • Service Coordinator

Please reach out to Danielle at worthingtongsoh@gmail.com to learn more.